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Employment Pact for People with MS - Call to Action
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- EMSP MS Storytellers during Brain Awareness Week 2024
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- EMSP Gender Equality Plan 2023-2025
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- HTx
- Information for people with MS affected by the war in Ukraine
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Belarus | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Belgium | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Portugal | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Spain | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to the Czech Republic | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to the UK | Country-specific information
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- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Greece | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Iceland | Country-specific information
- Country-specific information for Ukrainian residents
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to France | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Germany | Country-specific information
- Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Poland | Country-specific information
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- Background
- Concept
- Context
- Registration
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- My Bookings
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- Introduction
- Introduction
- Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS)
- MS Nurse PRO
- Young People's Network (YPN)
- Membership Capacity Building
- HTx
- MS Hive
- MS Barometer
- Caregivers of Paediatric MS
- MS Data Alliance
- N2B-Patch
- Paving the path
- Believe and achieve
- Ready for Work
- MSatWork.LIFE
- Voice of MS patients
- Under Pressure
- Code of Good Practice
- Anna Revilla Bruñol
- Kanika Kohli
- Elisabeth Kasilingam
- Jana Hlaváčová
- Mohsharif Nasrulloeva
- Patricia Moghames
- Herbert Temmes
- Federica Balzani
- Jan Van Amstel
- Aoife Kirwan
- Eduard Andrei Pletea
- Susanna van Tonder
- Tania Pilz
- Žilvinas Gavėnas
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Udruženje multiple skleroze Republike Srpske
- France - Union de lutte contre la Sclérose en Plaques
- Greece - Hellenic Federation of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
- Republic of Moldova - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Moldova
- Serbia - MS Platforma Srbije
- Spain - Esclerosis Múltiple España
- Turkey - Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Association of Turkey
- Ukraine - Ukrainian Community of people with Multiple Sclerosis (UCMS)
- Austria - Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Österreich
- Belarus
- Belgium - Ligue Nationale Belge de la Sclérose en Plaques
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Savez Udruženja oboljelih od Multiple Skleroze Bosne i Hercegovine
- Bulgaria - MS Foundation Bulgaria
- Croatia - Savez drustava multiple skleroze Hrvatske
- Czech Republic - Unie Roska
- Denmark - Scleroseforeningen
- Estonia - Eesti Sclerosis Multiplex’i Ühingute Liit
- Finland - Neuroliitto
- France - Ligue Francaise contre la Sclérose en Plaques
- Germany - Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft
- Greece - Greek MS Society (GMSS)
- Iceland – MS-félag Íslands
- Ireland - MS Society of Ireland
- Italy - Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla
- Latvia - Latvijas Multiplas Sklerozes Asociacija
- Lithuania - Lithuanian Multiple Sclerosis Union
- Luxembourg - Ligue Luxembourgeoise de la Sclerose en Plaques
- Malta - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Malta
- Netherlands - Multiple Sclerose Vereniging Nederland
- Norway - MS Forbundet
- Poland - Polskie Towarzystowo Stwardnienia Rozsianego
- Portugal - Sociedade Portuguesa de Esclerose Multipla
- Romania - Association of Patients with Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Republic of North Macedonia – National Association of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
- Russia - All-Russian Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Serbia - Društvo Multiple Skleroze Srbije
- Slovakia - Slovensky Zvaz Sclerosis Multiplex
- Slovenia - Zdruzenje Multiple Skleroze Slovenija
- Spain - Asociación Española de Esclerosis Multiple
- Switzerland - Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft
- UK - The Multiple Sclerosis Society in the United Kingdom
- 41st Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis
- 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology
- EMSP Annual Conference
Team Categories
- Austria
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Romania
- Russia
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- CCIB Barcelona International Convention Center
- Hotel Don Giovanni
- RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre
- Scandic Helsinki Hub