Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Iceland | Country-specific information


Клацніть тут, щоб ознайомитися з цією сторінкою українською мовою

Country-specific information for Ukrainian residents with MS relocating to Iceland

MS Society of Iceland Contact Details National governmental website explaining the administrative procedure for migrants who want to enter the country or who are seeking asylum in the country.  
  • Ukrainian citizens and their family members are entitled to collective protection in Iceland. Pre-registration will speed up the process of registration
  • It is only possible to apply for protection once you are in Iceland and applications must be submitted in person.
  • It is possible to apply for protection at Keflavík Airport upon arrival in Iceland.
  • If already in Iceland, it is possible to apply for protection in the reception center for applicants for international protection in Egilsgata 3 in Reykjavík, entrance from Snorrabraut.
  • If outside the capital area, it is possible apply for protection at the nearest police station.
  • For collective protection to be granted, Icelandic authorities must have proof of identity, for example one of the following documents:
  1. Passport (both biometric and non-biometric passport)
  2. National ID card from Ukraine
  3. Other documents, such as a birth certificate or expired passport
  • If no identity documents are available, authorities must conduct additional investigations to establish identity.
  • For persons that have been granted protection in Ukraine, they must show documentation confirming that they have a residence permit based on protection or humanitarian reasons there, in addition to establishing identity.
  • Applicants for international protection are entitled to necessary health services and medicines that are necessary for them while their applications are being processed by authorities.
  • Applicants must undergo a medical examination as soon as possible after arriving in Iceland.
  • All persons with a residence permit for humanitarian reasons are covered by health insurance, provided that they have arrived in the country and there is confirmation from the Directorate of Immigration that the person has been granted refugee status or has residence permit on humanitarian grounds.
  • This means access to health care, funded medicine or partially subsidized medicine and assistive products for mobility impairment and other disabilities.

What documents are needed to apply for medical insurance for Ukrainian refugees?

  • The same as for refugee status, i.e. no additional documents.

Duration on obtaining medical insurance

  • There is no specific information on average time, but the process is swift.

Coverage of medical insurance (including treatments for MS?)

  • Refugees have the same rights as Icelandic nationals. It covers also treatments for MS.

Where can people get specialised MS care?

  • At the National University Hospital of Iceland in Reykjavík and neurology clinics. However, there is a referral system in place, so the starting point is a local health center (general practitioners).

What treatments for Multiple Sclerosis are available in Iceland?

  • All main disease-modifying therapies and symptomatic treatment.

Do pharmaceutical companies allow/support patients to continue a clinical study which they started in Ukraine?

  • Unknown

Where and how can Ukrainian refugees apply to get official disabled status in Iceland?

  • Disability status is applied for at the Social Insurance institution:
  • The social worker at the MS-Society of Iceland can assist English-speaking Ukrainians with the application process. Assistance to other Ukrainians is possible if interpreters are available.

Are there any benefits available for people with disabilities?

People granted collective protection receive a residence permit for humanitarian reasons.
  1. The permit is granted for one year at a time, for up to three years. With the permit you will be issued an Icelandic ID number.
  2. The permit entails access to housing, maintenance, social services, health care as well as education for children.
  3. The permit grants conditional access to the Icelandic labor market. This means that after finding a job, your employer must apply for a work permit for you. The application must be submitted to the Directorate of Immigration, but it is processed by the Directorate of Labor.
  4. The permit entails the right to family reunification according to the usual rules.
  5. Access to social services is also included for assistance with daily life due to disability. They have the right to financial support as anyone else but not for disability pension.