

EMSP Members’ Corner: MS News from Poland, Lithuania, Spain and Portugal

Polish MS Society’s conference about rehabilitation For many years, the Polish MS Society has been actively involved in facilitating access…

Spain claims the recognition of the 33 percent degree of disability for people with neurodegenerative diseases


In Spain, the assessment and recognition of a disability is a long decentralized administrative procedure. A specialised team consisting of…

Brexit and MS


By our EMSP Board member & guest author: Georgina Carr (UK MS Society) It’s now over two years since the…


Germany connects its MSers through a unique social network

German social network for MSers MS Connect is a social network developed by the German National Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG)…

Portugal is dancing to support people with MS


National MS Society of Portugal (SPEM) launched an initiative to value the capabilities of people with disabilities, fight prejudice and highlight the importance of social integration. This advocacy campaign calls public attention to Multiple Sclerosis and the cause of people with MS.

The journey of a medicine to the market


By our Young People’s Network member & guest author: Jacobo Santamarta Barral (AEDEM, Spain) Have you ever wondered about how…


Restriction on second-line treatment lifted in Poland

By: Yves Brand Restriction on second-line treatment lifted in Poland Good news from Poland where this week the Polish government…

Restriction on second-line treatment lifted in Poland


By: Yves Brand Restriction on second-line treatment lifted in Poland Good news from Poland where this week the Polish government…

Croatia: fighting to end roadblocks for MS patients


By: Tanja Malbasa, Project Manager, Association of Multiple Sclerosis Societies of Croatia The Association of Multiple Sclerosis Societies of Croatia recently…

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