

New radioactive agents for imaging of neuroprotective immune cells in MS

Scientists in Amsterdam are working on developing new radioactive agents that can be used to the imaging of the protective…

MS Hive – a new opportunity for young creatives


EMSP is delighted to announce the launch of the MS Hive, an initiative for young creatives to develop their own…

And suddenly Europe showed what unites us


Author: Pedro Carrascal, EMSP President “In organisations such as the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) we have always been clear…


Paediatric MS: Our Recommendations for Caregivers

Multiple Sclerosis was once considered a disease occurring exclusively in adulthood, however, there is growing recognition that MS can be…

Statement: EMSP expresses solidarity with Ukraine


Dear EMSP Members, Partners and Supporters,  The European MS Community cannot remain indifferent to the disturbing and rapidly developing conflict…

MS Community Advisory Board (MS CAB) launched


In December 2021, EMSP launched a new initiative called the Multiple Sclerosis CommunityAdvisory Board (CAB), through which we intend to…


Building the psychological flexibility of people with MS in Greece

In the last months, the Greek MS Society (GMSS) launched a holistic healthcare and well-being programs for people living with…

UK MS Society launches Neurology Now campaign


The UK MS Society launched a campaign calling for prioritisation and investment in neurology services. As part of the campaign…

“MS has a thousand faces. I am one of them.”


Carina, 31, has been living with multiple sclerosis for 13 years. At the age of 18, Carina was diagnosed with…

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