

Engaging Expert Patients: MS CAB and EBV-MS Project Team Collaborate on Clinical Trial Design

On June 19, 2024, the Multiple Sclerosis Community Advisory Board (MS CAB) met with the EBV-MS project research team for…

Multiple Sclerosis Registries: Value, current efforts, and glimpse from Greece


Are you curious about how Multiple Sclerosis (MS) registries can benefit the MS community? Discover the efforts of EMSP and…

Health and life sciences to be recognised as the third strategic pillar for Europe for a true EU Health Union


Today the Health Coalition has published a vision for European health, supported by a set of concrete recommendations and policy…


New radioactive agents for imaging of neuroprotective immune cells in MS

Scientists in Amsterdam are working on developing new radioactive agents that can be used to the imaging of the protective…

MS Community Advisory Board (MS CAB) launched


In December 2021, EMSP launched a new initiative called the Multiple Sclerosis CommunityAdvisory Board (CAB), through which we intend to…

Nose-to-Brain-Patch Final Outcomes


Effective drugs for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system such as multiple sclerosis do exist. However, the…