

Engaging Expert Patients: MS CAB and EBV-MS Project Team Collaborate on Clinical Trial Design

On June 19, 2024, the Multiple Sclerosis Community Advisory Board (MS CAB) met with the EBV-MS project research team for…

Preliminary Results of the Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) Survey Presented at RIMS Annual Conference


The 29th annual RIMS Conference held between 27 and 29 June 2024, marked a significant milestone for the MS community…

Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) – Where are we now and what can you do?


EMSP and 25 member organisations have launched their pan-European survey on the Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) in May…


Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) Survey Now Live!

We are pleased to announce that the Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) survey is now officially live! Why is…

EMSP joins new EU funded project called More-EUROPA


While randomized controlled trials (RCTs) remain the mainstay in drug development, approval, and reimbursement, the potential of real-world data (RWD)…

MS Nurse PRO now available in Hungarian


MS Nurse PRO is pleased to announce that they are growing the nursing community. The platform is now also available…


MS Hive – a new opportunity for young creatives

EMSP is delighted to announce the launch of the MS Hive, an initiative for young creatives to develop their own…

Paediatric MS: Our Recommendations for Caregivers


Multiple Sclerosis was once considered a disease occurring exclusively in adulthood, however, there is growing recognition that MS can be…

MS Community Advisory Board (MS CAB) launched


In December 2021, EMSP launched a new initiative called the Multiple Sclerosis CommunityAdvisory Board (CAB), through which we intend to…

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