

Croatian MS Youth has been established

In the middle of October 2023, I spent two days at an event that had happened earlier, but the most…

The Dutch MS Association’s volunteers hoist the sails


The Netherlands has an estimated 34,000 people with MS. The Dutch MS Association is the only association in the Netherlands…

#GiovanioltrelaSM: hundreds of young people with MS and NMO meet in Rome


On 2-3 December, GiovanioltrelaSM, Young People beyond MS, will gather in Rome for their annual meeting of young people under…


Greek Health Minister Commits to Creating MS Patient Registry in 2024

On 10 October 2023, representatives of the Hellenic Federation of Persons with MS (HFoPwMS) met Michalis Chrisochoidis, Greek Minister of…

Polish primary school pupils learn about multiple sclerosis


The Polish MS Society has translated a book by Stefanie Lazai and Stephan Pohl entitled “My Mum is Special” into…

Vienna Pilot Project tackles loneliness and isolation among people with MS


In order to support people with MS, the Multiple Sclerosis Society Vienna has launched the pilot project MS Visiting Service…


Polish MS Society acknowledged at 90th anniversary of Polish Neurological Association

On 15 September, Polish Neurological Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologiczne, PTN) celebrated its 90th anniversary at the Royal Palace in Warsaw….

We are you voice! Portuguese MS Society addresses the needs of people with MS in the Parliament


Multiple Sclerosis Portuguese Society (SPEM) participated in two the Hearing at the Portuguese Parliament (Assembly of the Republic) and delivered…

Vienna MS center for social counseling and psychotherapy marks its 20th anniversary


20 years ago, in September 2003, the MS center for social counseling and psychotherapy in Hernalser Hauptstraße, Vienna/Austria was put…

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