One Million Minds campaign
29.11.2023“One Million Minds” was EMSP’s European Elections 2024 campaign.
Together we:
- Highlight recommendations from the MS Barometer 2020 to the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) 2024-2029, other European institutions and national authorities to improve the quality of care and lives of people with multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions in Europe and encourage future MEPs to sign up to our pledge to deliver on our proposals during their mandate.
- Mobilise our partners, supporters and friends by endorsing the Manifesto and joining our efforts to achieve a tangible change in the next 5 years.
- Provide a platform to the MS community voicing the urgency with which the European and national decision-makers must act to deliver on the recommendations.
Campaign Manifesto
The manifesto is a response to address the unmet needs faced by over 1.2 million people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) across Europe.
The prevalence of MS is growing, with 37,000 new people diagnosed across 27 European countries in 2018. As a chronic neurodegenerative condition, multiple sclerosis (MS) involves the immune system attacking healthy nerves. MS manifests uniquely in each person, with unpredictable symptoms such as pain, fatigue, reduced mobility, and cognitive issues. An MS diagnosis can have a profound impact on a person’s life, disrupting their education, careers, families and life path.
Endorse our Manifesto
This campaign is supported by the European Brain Council, ECTRIMS, the MS International Federation and the European Disability Forum.
Activist and world-changer Helen Keller reminds us that“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Simply email us your organisation’s name, the name of the person endorsing our campaign on behalf of your organisations and a short quote why it is important for your organisations to support our campaign and why you are endorsing it.
Page with organisations supporting EMSP campaign.
Are you an MEP in the European Parliament 2024-2029? Sign the pledge!
Members of the European Parliament have a real power to make a difference for people living with MS and other neurological conditions! Now that you have read the Manifesto, we encourage you to sign the pledge below. Once you’ve signed the pledge, we will send you a visual to share on your social media accounts so your constituents can learn about the steps you are taking to ensure quality of care and life for people with MS. Spread the word! Invite other MEPs and candidates to sign the pledge and
- commit to the empowerment of individuals with MS throughout the upcoming mandate (2024-2029).
- champion the principles of human rights, equality, social inclusion, and social protection for the MS community.
- actively contribute to creating a more inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment for the MS community in Europe.
MEPs who have endorsed the Manifesto:
Adam | Jarubas | Poland |
Aodhán | Ó Ríordáin | Ireland |
Barry | Andrews | Ireland |
Brando | Benifi | Italy |
Clare | Daly | Ireland |
Dolors | Montserrat | Spain |
Elżbieta | Łukacijewska | Poland |
Günther | Sidl | Austria |
Hilde | Vautmans | Belgium |
Kateřina | Konečná | Czechia |
Katrin | Langensiepen | Germany |
Luke “Ming” | Flanagan | Ireland |
Maria da Graça | Carvalho | Portugal |
Mick | WALLACE | Ireland |
Milan | Brglez | Slovenia |
Pascal | Arimont | Belgium |
Radka | Maxova | Czechia |
Sara | Cerdas | Portugal |
Sean | Kelly | Ireland |
Sirpa | Pietikäinen | Finland |
Stelios | Kympouropoulos | Greece |
Tiemo | Wölken | Germany |
Tilly | Metz | Luxembourg |
See the list of organisations which endorse our campaign.
Sign our petition
“The power in people is stronger than people in power.” Let’s show our power and make sure that the people in power listen to us and act upon our needs and demands!
Sign our petition Quality Access to Care for People with Multiple Sclerosis and Neurological Conditions, ask your your family, friends, colleagues to sing, share it on your social media channels.
About the One Million Minds Campaign
Campaign Manifesto
Are you an MEP in the European Parliament 2024-2029? Join your colleagues and sign the pledge!
Are you an Organisation? Endorse our Manifesto
Are you an Individual? Sign the petition
Read the Manifesto in plain text format.

This petition is run by European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP).