EMSP Annual Report 2021

EMSP Annual Report 2021


We hope you will enjoy reading our EMSP Annual Report 2021 in a downloadable PDF format with a summary of activities and achievements. This annual report is also available in a more user-friendly format on a microsite here.

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Introduction from the President and CEO

While the world is assessing the impact of two years of a global pandemic crisis and now is facing the war at Europe’s doorstep, in Ukraine, we can’t help but be overwhelmed by a sense of compassion, urgency, and solidarity. The impact of our societies of those events goes in-depth and pushes us to rethink our priorities and question our ways.

To shed lights on the current context, we dedicate this report to all the first responders that show daily resilience, professionalism and courage to help people face those challenges and accompany them through difficult moments.

Amid a Europe marked by the continuous spread of the COVID-19, natural disasters growing in numbers and intensity over the Summer, and international political challenges; EMSP and its members thrived to develop its new Strategic Plan 2022-2024, working together for a future free of multiple sclerosis, in order to define priorities that respond to the current reality in which people with MS lived and the challenges they are facing.

The MS Barometer 2020 revealed the gaps in the health and social care management of people affected by MS across Europe. Needless to say, that this picture remains the same, and in some cases worsen: the pandemic has intensified existing inequalities in health, education, access to employment and governance.

EMSP will continue providing a robust platform for capacity building; strive for better access to treatments, therapies, and integrated care for people with MS across Europe; promote evidence-based good practice and effective health and social care for people with MS, using digitalisation and health data; strive for equity and social inclusion and social protection of people affected by MS and support more and better investment of people and resources for MS research.

EMSP Annual Report 2021 -Activities and achievements

In 2021, we continued working on our flagship projects. The Annual conference marked a milestone in the efforts made through the MS Nurse PRO programme to support the MS Nursing Community and bringing it closer to the patients’ community and part of the European MS movement. We also launched the MS Hive within the young people’s network encouraging young people to work more closely with their national MS societies and start acting for change now through peer activities, community outreach at local level.

We are grateful for our member organisations, partners, volunteers, and corporate sponsors for joining their forces with us and continuing to build a better Europe for people affected by multiple sclerosis. A special thanks goes to the Executive Committee members, and to the team which has shown resilience during a tough year and successfully contributed to the action.

We hope you will enjoy reading our EMSP Annual Report 2021 in a downloadable PDF format with a summary of activities and achievements. This annual report is also available in a more user-friendly format on a microsite here.


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