MS Sessions 2019 | Bucharest, Romania
19.12.2019This year EMSP in collaboration with Shift MS organised the 2nd volume of the MS Sessions!
A festival aiming to bring together young MSers from all over Europe. More than 170 newly diagnosed young MSers gathered up in the beautiful Bucharest for 2 days: sharing knowledge, inspiring each other, learning about MS and most importantly meeting peers and building the MS community!
Both professional experts and public figures shared their knowledge and experience on various topics:
- love, sex & relationships
- social life & friends
- studies & career
- physical & mental MS management
- medication & research
- advocacy & activism
The community of young MSers shared very enthusiastic impressions on their MS Sessions 2019 experience; getting out empowered, inspired, determined to implement what they learned and willing to expand the network.
Special thanks to the Romanian APAN organisation for contributing with their valuable input to this joint effort.
Would you like to learn more? Visit our Instagram channel where we collected all the stories, so that you can have a first-hand experience about what kind of time we were spending together in Bucharest.
There is more! Here are the official photographs and the programme of MS Sessions ’19.
To see the photos of the event please visit our FlickR Gallery!
To access the full programme of MS Sessions ’19, click here!