MEPs from across EU endorsing EMSP Manifesto


During the EMSP conference in April, attendees had an early glimpse of videos from MEPs supporting our European Elections 2024 campaign EMSP Manifesto. MEP Adam Jarubas (Poland), MEP Milan Brglez (Slovenia), MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (Finland), MEP Sara Cerdas (Portugal), MEP Elżbieta  Łukacijewska (Poland), MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos (Greek), MEP Katrin Langensiepen (Germany), Tilly Metz (Luxembourg), Radka Maxova (Czechia) and Kateřina Konečna (Czechia) have all made supporting videos you can see across our social platforms.

MEPs who supported the EMSP Manifesto in 2024

Since the launch of the EMSP manifesto in December 2023, MEPs from across parties and countries, have pledged their support to people with MS. What this means is for the mandate of the next parliament (2024-2029), these political leaders commit to the empowerment of individuals with MS throughout the upcoming term, they will champion the principles of human rights, equality, social inclusion, and social protection for the MS community. At EMSP, we will ensure that those who have pledged will actively contribute to creating a more inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment for the MS community in Europe.

In Your Hands

There is still time to raise the voices of people with MS by using the content from the Campaign Toolkit. Images for social media, messaging and ways to amplify the voice of the community, have been packed into these resources.

Thank you for helping us translate the document into Croatian, Greek, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish to support the awareness raising work at national level 🙏🏽 Please contact us if you would like to support this work.

Ask your MEP

We have just a few intense weeks before the June European Union elections; for many of our members, candidates will be asking for your support.

We encourage you to use your networks to ask them to sign our petition and if they are current MEPs, to endorse the manifesto so that the needs of people with MS in your country, are recognised e at the European level.

The unmet needs of individuals with MS extend beyond health. They also impact social care, employment, and education.

Sign The Petition

So far only 600+ people have signed the EMSP petition. We need you to join us in demanding Quality Access to Care for People with MS and Neurological Conditions: 

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