Former EMSP President receives high decoration from the German state
On 22 March, the Secretary General of the German MS Society (DMSG) and former president of EMSP, Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel (pictured above, on the left), was awarded with the 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, in a ceremony organised in Hannover and presided over by the Regional President Hauke Jagau (also pictured above). The official praised in very high terms Ms Pitschnau-Michel’s contribution to the wellbeing of people with multiple sclerosis in Germany during her ongoing 30-year career in this field.
“The Order of Merit is a very rare award for absolutely outstanding commitment to the common good and at the same time a state recognition and appreciation for special services provided to the community”, said Hauke Jagau in his speech at decoration ceremony.

EMSP’s then president John Golding (pictured above, center of the image) was also present at the event and reminded the participants of the German MS Society’s excellent record in improving the quality of life for people with MS:
“People with MS have different quality of life standards and get different treatment and rehabilitation services depending on where they live. This we know through the results of the European MS Barometer, a benchmarking tool which aims to improve the situation of people with MS and, when necessary, tries to confront the discrimination that some of them face.
It is no secret that the German MS Society has been ranked number one in the European MS Barometer on the last three occasions, starting 2008. This is not a coincidence given your diligent leadership, Dorothea! You are a most distinguished winner of the prestigious award been given to you today.”
Dorothea Pitschanu-Mitchel has been a constant presence in EMSP’s board since 1998. She held the role of President of EMSP between 2006 and 2010.