EMSP supported successful campaign against closure of Russian MS centre
08.12.2014Over the last two months of 2014, EMSP added its voice to the efforts of its Russian MS Society (RUMSS) to persuade Moscow authorities not to close down the very important MS centre functioning within Hopsital #11, as was initially planned due to the merger with Hospital #24.
EMSP’s President and Chief Executive, Anne Winslow and Maggie Alexander respectively, addressed an official letter to the relevant authorities, drawing attention to the risks of limiting access to treatment:
“In many cases of multiple sclerosis, lack of appropriate treatment and care can lead to more rapid deterioration and increased levels of disability, which can in turn impact on people’s ability to participate in society and to remain economically independent.”
As a result of sustained lobbying, both local and international, Moscow authorities gave up the plans to close the MS centre and also promised to “improve MS services”, according to RUMSS.