EMSP 2016 Annual Conference: Norwegian Health Minister to attend
04.03.2016EMSP’s 2016 Annual Conference will benefit from the participation of Norwegian Health Minister Bent Høie, who confirmed this week he will be taking part in our event scheduled on 17-18 May, in Oslo, Norway.
Mr Høie (pictured below) joins a list of impressive speakers within a dynamic format.
Find the event agenda here.
Did you know?
For this year’s Conference, EMSP is offering a limited number of bursaries to young people with MS interested in participating and contributing to the event.
Find out more here.
Also, EMSP and co-organisers from the Norwegian MS Society (MS Forbundet) prepared a surprise for participants: boat tours.
Find more here.
Confernce Registration
To register for the Conference, click here.
For more related information, click here.