Donate 1 € for research in MS:
‘A click can change many lives’
The Spanish MS Society EME/ FELEM is reaching out to its members and partners in a fundraising campaign meant to bolster the research activity for multiple sclerosis (MS).
Through its “M1 Project”, EME/ FELEM is aiming to raise around 120,000 euros in 2013 by asking all potential donors for a contribution of minimum 1 euro.
The money will be collected by the Multiple Sclerosis International Foundation (MSIF) and directed towards the International Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative (IPMSC), an initiative which looks to promote collaboration on a global scale to support the best research into therapies for progressive MS.
Further information is available here.
Those interested can donate here.
The Spanish MS Society EME has also created a video which sums up the “M1 Project” with a call do donate online: “A single click can change many lives”.