Brain Awareness Week 2022
14.03.2022We know how important research and data collection is to people with MS and the MS Community. The most recent MS Barometer highlighted the gaps in MS Care for people with MS across Europe. People with MS have issues getting appropriate healthcare, making contact and sustaining regular services with health professionals and in many countries, social support for people with MS and their carers is nonexistent or so cumbersome as to make it impossible for people.
What does it mean? What does gaps in care mean to people with MS in Europe? For some, it means intermittent access to physiotherapy- a single visit to a professional before being handed a sheet of exercises to complete at home. For children with MS, they will miss out on their education because there isn’t any care supports so they can stay in school. And for young people with MS who cannot access the psychological support they need to deal with diagnosis, it can mean massive disruption in their life plans. Repercussions that can last a lifetime.
There are more than 1 million people in Europe with MS. They, their families and their communities need your support this Brain Awareness Week 2022. Share EMSP messages, support your local MS organisation and get behind the campaigns as we work to change MS Care so everyone with MS gets a fair chance.