Paving the path
The EU-funded Paving the Path to Participation (PPP) project aims to stimulate policy change that will support maximum participation of people with MS in the European labour market.
The project’s most recent outcome was the delivery, in January 2016, of a Toolkit for Employers.
The initial, EU-funded stage of the project was completed in March 2015 and delivered a European Employment Pact. This document was launched in the European Parliament, in Brussels.
Find the parliamentary Event Report here.
MS advocate Lori Schneider – the first person with MS to scale Mount Everest – is the Pact‘s ambassador:
EMSP is formally endorsing the Pact and we are also encouraging all our Partners and Supporters to do the same.
Give your signature here.
This project has received funding from the European Union in the framework of DG Justice’s Progress Programme. Sole responsibility of the information contained herein lies with the author and the Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of this information.