Multiple Sclerosis – Toward Sustainable and Healthier Systems in Europe | EMSP Annual Conference 2024
EMSP Annual Conference 2024
This year, the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform’s Annual Conference will take place in Brussels on 19 and 20 April with the theme of “Multiple Sclerosis – Toward Sustainable and Healthier Systems in Europe”.
In the context of EMSP’s European elections 2024 campaign “One Million Minds”, aiming to encourage future Members of the European Parliament to address the unmet needs faced by people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) across Europe during the mandate of 2024-2029, this year conference will create a place of discussion and exchange between people living with MS and experts, to tackle several key subjects such as health care, research, and social care.
Health care for people living with multiple sclerosis and the importance of research
With more than 1.2 million individuals living with multiple sclerosis in Europe, it is crucial to incentivize data collection and research on MS, to have a better medical understanding for patients and healthcare professionals, as well as to deliver accessible care and high-quality rehabilitation services throughout all European countries.
This is why experts and scientists will tackle several subjects during our conference, such as stem cell therapy and how it is promising for future MS care. Other sessions will explore Progression Independent of Relapse Activity (PIRA) in MS, its impact on clinical practice and traditional care, as well as the connection between MS and Epstein-Barr Virus.
Sharing data with patients is also as crucial as medical advancement, which is why two sessions will talk about the importance for patients to trust data and communicate their symptoms to help research MS, as well as the importance for healthcare professionals to educate patients on multiple sclerosis so that they can fully understand their condition and make informed decisions.
Social care and challenges faced by people living with MS
Multiple sclerosis extends beyond health, as it also impacts social care and employment, and often disrupts pivotal life stages like education, career-building, and family planning.
People living with multiple sclerosis are often faced with challenges when it comes to employment, with only 48% of people with MS being in full-time or part-time employment. Our annual conference will be a great opportunity to discuss how we can help improve access to employment and job retention for people affected with chronic conditions and caregivers, especially in systems were companies consistently report difficulties finding the employees they need.
Apart from employment policies, social care strategies are also crucial in improving the lives of people living with MS and the ones of their caregivers. This is why we also aim to highlight the inequalities and challenges faced by people with MS during our conference, with speakers sharing their stories and discussions with stakeholders on how we can collaborate on a European and national level, to improve health and social care services.
If you wish to partake in these discussions around MS, register for our EMSP 2024 Annual Conference in Brussels!