MSIF: International fundraising campaign for MS research
28.01.2016EMSP’s partners at the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) have initiated a worldwide fundraising campaign titled Kiss Goodbye to MS.
The campaign, scheduled to run up to 14 February (Valentine’s Day), invites stakeholders to raise money for research and for the support that people with MS urgently need.
MS organisations from around the world are joining forces to help those affected Kiss Goodbye to MS. This is the first truly international fundraising campaign for MS and is expected to grow.
In 2016 there are national campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, Ireland, France, Denmark, and Sweden.
Money raised for Kiss Goodbye to MS will fund vital research into the causes, treatments and possible cures for MS, as well as help for people living with the disease now.
Those interested can follow and share the action of the campaign using the #KissGoodbyeToMS hashtag on social media.