MS Storytellers: A Million Stories


How do you capture the stories of millions? There are 1.2 million+ people in Europe, impossible to capture but art and creativity is a great response to a massive issue. We took a sample of the experiences from our MS community and worked with illustrator Chrissy Curtin to turn these stories into vivid, visually engaging illustrations. With the EMSP MS Storytellers, five individuals with experiences we knew would resonate with the community were interviewed on issues of employment, accessibility, education and career, mental health and being diagnosed with a life-long illness.

From Words to Powerful Images: MS Storytellers During Brain Awareness Week 2024

Working with the illustrator, we went from thousands of powerful words to a handful of powerful images. Over the course of five days, during Brain Awareness Week 2024 we published them on the EMSP website and across social platforms. Eduard regained his joie de vivre, returning to the stage and his community in ways that are right for him, Jacobo contributes to research and advocacy in his country, Kirsty has reimagined her ambitions, still creating and achieving greater than she’d imagined, and Donna has built her life in ways that would have been beyond her hopes when she was first diagnosed as a teenager.

Powerful Illustrations Capture the Challenges of MS in Europe

From discrimination and barriers that limit access to education to badly designed, inaccessible built-environments causing social isolation and reduced lives, these vibrant illustrations communicate in the blink-of an eye the issues of many people with MS in Europe. We are grateful so many people support our work- take another step, sign the petition and if you’re in an EU country, use your opportunity in the upcoming elections to ensure the voices of millions are heard.



Part of the One Million Minds Campaign. This project is co-funded by Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen, Merck, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi and Viatris. The industry partners are financial supporters who do not have any control on the governance of this activity.

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