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MS-FiT study in Germany looks at benefits of functional training for people with MS


The German MS Society looks into health-related benefits of functional training  for people with Multiple Sclerosis.

Current studies show that people with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMS) do not engage sufficiently in physical exercise, despite the benefit. One of many potential reasons is a deficit in suitable and available, close to home training options.

Since 2021, the German MS Society provides functional training in groups targeting the needs of PwMS. They are prescribed by a doctor and financially supported by German health insurances. Qualified physiotherapists guide the groups within a maximum of 15 participants per group.

As a result of COVID-19 pandemic, on top of training in person, online training concepts have been developed and conducted. Regular training sessions take place once a week for 45 minutes over a period of 12 months either (per prescription) in person or online.  At the moment, the German health insurance limit online functional training until March 2024. Over the last years, the German MS Society have suggested to end such limitation and to include online functional training in the regular supply of ambulant rehabilitation.

Due to the lack of research, the German MS Society, in cooperation with the University of Halle/Wittenberg (Germany) and the App MS Sherpa (Netherlands), conducts the MS-FiT study to find out more about health-related effects in MS during functional training compared to non-training and training groups in person.

The study will provide initial findings on the benefit and acceptance of functional training in groups for PwMS. Furthermore, it enables the comparison of different training group formats. Our recruitment began in August 2023 and the first outcomes are expected by the end of this year. We will provide the updates about our findings and conclusions for future perspectives in tele-rehabilitation.

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