EMSP Networking Dinner: 25 years as the voice of Europeans with MS
11.03.2014EMSP’s leading figures joined by representatives of our partners and sponsors gathered together on 11 March, at the Dominican Hotel in Brussels, for the annual Networking Dinner.
2014 is a very special year for EMSP, marking our 25th anniversary. This provides the occasion to look back on some of the highlights of EMSP’s organisational history. Under the motto “25 years as the voice of people with multiple sclerosis in Europe”, President John Golding‘s (pictured below) introductory speech briefly underlined EMSP’s main achievements throughout the years.

EMSP’s ongoing flagship projects also came to the fore. EMSP’s Vice President Anne Winslow spoke about the MS Nurse PRO initiative, CEO Maggie Alexander updated the audience on the progress of the MS Barometer and Under Pressure projects, Director of External Affairs Christoph Thalheim offered a briefing on EUReMS and Project Manager Emma Rogan introduced the concept of EMSP’s newest project Believe and Achieve.

The Networking Dinner also provided a good opportunity for EMSP to circulate the new report The Brain and Multiple Sclerosis (pictured above) compiled by media partners EurActiv following the BRAI.NS recent event.