EDF event: ‘Persons with disabilities at work – the invisible workers?’
11.12.2014EMSP’s partners from the European Disability Forum (EDF) followed-up on their European Day of Persons with Disability event and, on 10 December, organised a discussion with EU policy-makers on the huge differences in rates of employment for people with or without disabilities living the European Union.
Titled ‘Persons with disabilities at work: the invisible workers?’, the meeting took place at the European Parliament and was chaired by MEP Jutta Steinruck, S&D Coordinator of the Employment Committee.
Find details about the meeting here.
According to the latest EU data, there is still a 26% difference in rates of employment for persons with and without disabilities across the EU. This is 30 points lower than the Europe 2020 target of 75% employment for persons with disabilities.
Despite the implementation of different national and regional policies aimed at increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in the labour market, overall the participation rate of persons with disabilities is significantly lower than for persons without disabilities, which reinforces social inequalities.