Brain, Mind and Pain: Written Declaration on Access to Employment
31.10.2016EMSP’s partners at the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) have on 24 October launched a Written Declaration on Access to Employment for the benefit of people affected by neurological and chronic disorders.
EFNA and their supporters have until mid-January to ensure that over half of all Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) sign this Declaration.
More information is available here.
If successful, the Declaration will help:
- advocate for the implementation of employment rights for those affected by neurological disorders;
- raise awareness of the stigma and discrimination faced by the mentioned group at work;
- ensure that relevant EU legislation on access to employment is applied at the national level;
- highlight the existence of EU funds improving accessibility to the workplace for those who wish to regain or remain in employment.

Brain, Mind and Pain
This Written Declaration is coordinated by the Brain, Mind and Pain Parliamentary Interest Group. It is an initiative of EFNA and Pain Alliance Europe [PAE], co-chaired by MEPs Marian Harkin, Jeroen Lenaers and Daciana Sârbu.
Its main aims are to:
- encourage research into and access to innovative treatments;
- promote prevention and self-management approaches;
- decrease stigma;
- improve quality of life for people living with these disabling conditions.
Find out more here.
What is a Written Declaration?
A written declaration is a text of a maximum of 200 words relating exclusively on a matter falling within the competence of the European Union. It does not, however, bind Parliament or represent its position, but only the position of its authors and signatories.
Find out more here.