MS Barometer 2013 launched on World MS Day
28.05.2014EMSP is launching the 2013 edition of its MS Barometer to mark the 28th May 2014, when the global MS community celebrates World MS Day.
Find the Barometer here.
EMSP and its partners are also providing member societies and other interested parties with a collection of country factsheets including key benchmarks in MS management for 26 EU countries, plus Norway and Switzerland.
Find the factsheets here.
Benefiting from the active participation and involvement of 25 of our member societies, we were able to put together an updated overview of the current situation of MS management across Europe. In doing so, we managed to provide answers to key questions such as “What needs to be improved to impact on the quality of life of people with MS?”.
This is the 4th edition of EMSP’s Barometer.
The results of the MS Barometer 2013 will once again reinforce our actions and messages so that decision-makers will continue to support our efforts to meet the concrete needs of people with MS.