There are

1 Million+ People with MS

in Europe

MS in Austria


People with MS

Total score

National scores on MS policy

Scores on care delivery

National score on Employment

See the detailed report for Austria

Download the full report

The MS Barometer is a comparative survey collecting key information on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 35 countries. It serves as a benchmarking tool to provide an accurate picture of MS management across health and social care systems. We see issues in access to appropriate healthcare, health professionals and social support for people with MS and their carers across the continent. Countries that fail to provide quality care are failing their MS communities.


Did you know?



countries provide social support specific to carers of children and adolescents with MS.

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ADDRESSRue Auguste Lambiotte 144/8
1030 Brussels | BelgiumEMAIL

[email protected]




Country Data

Advocacy Toolkit